Small Business and Startups

无论是我们众多的商业组织提供合作, support, 以及积极参与的居民的伙伴关系,他们努力在当地购物,支持本土企业, we have the resources you need to be successful.

财富坊cff999的小企业有经营60多年的当地海事服务公司,也有从车库企业发展成跨国电子商务商店的专业零售供应商. 我们拥有广大地区的基础设施和紧密团结的社区感觉, Portsmouth is the smart move for your small business.

757 Accellerate

757 Accelerate

757 Accelerate是一个选择性的创业加速器项目,为创始人提供资金, connections, and customers. 该计划的重点是通过个人和团体指导和指导来培养创始团队, capital raising, and growth strategy.

Innovation Collaborative Hampton Roads

Hampton Roads Innovation Collaborative

汉普顿路创新合作组织的使命是为区域创新和发展提供一个联系的环境,同时为公司提供一个包容的环境, arts and nonprofits, and alliances. For more information, please call 757-373-6517.


ODU Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

IIE is a one-stop-shop for the community, students, faculty/staff, 校友为创新寻求资源和服务, entrepreneurship, and new enterprises and programs. 我们帮助社区之间建立持久的关系, industry, and academia to improve society and the economy.

IIE serves two important roles:

  1. Act as the liaison between the University, community, and industry, to advance entrepreneurial endeavors, and;
  2. 协助加强ODU,汉普顿路和英联邦的创新生态系统.
Retail Alliance

Retail Alliance

The Retail Alliance, 前身为潮水零售商会, 是一个为大汉普顿路地区零售商服务的非营利性行业协会吗. 我们通过财富cff888促进和支持零售业和贸易的健康发展, advocacy, and member benefits. For more information, please call 757-466-1600.

Hampton Roads Small Business Development Center

Small Business Development Center

汉普顿路公司小企业发展中心(SBDC. 是由乔治梅森大学领导并由汉普顿路商会在当地主办的全州网络的一部分. SBDC网站为潜在的企业家和小企业主提供了大量的信息. SBDC还提供完整的培训和研讨会日程. For more information, please call 757-644-2593.


SCORE Association

The SCORE Association, “美国小企业顾问”是一个由13名成员组成的非营利性协会,000+ volunteer business counselors throughout the U.S. and its territories. SCORE members are trained to serve as counselors, advisors, 以及有抱负的企业家和企业主的导师. 这些服务作为社区服务是免费提供的. 要开始与SCORE汉普顿路导师合作,请致电(757)455-9338.


NAVSEA Office of Small Business Programs

负责有效地维持一支由近300艘船只组成的舰队, 系统及其支持基础设施是一项艰巨的任务, 只有通过NAVSEA与其工业中大小企业合作伙伴之间的持续合作,才能取得成功. 

Bloom Coworking

Bloom Coworking

Bloom是一个非营利性的联合办公空间, small teams, and remote workers can rent a variety of office spaces. Bloom位于财富坊cff999市中心,由财富坊cff999合伙组织(Portsmouth Partnership)创立. For more information, call 757-393-0393.



弗吉尼亚州小企业和供应商多样性部(SBSD)是致力于促进小企业参与的州机构, 女性和少数族裔企业的采购机会. SBSD负责管理两个认证项目:小型认证, 妇女和少数族裔拥有的企业在弗吉尼亚州的“SWaM”采购倡议和美国.S. 运输部的弱势企业(DBE)计划. SBSD还通过业务发展和采购倡导项目为获得认证的企业提供支持, in cooperation with other agencies and departments. For more information, please call (757) 385-4492.

Virginia Employment Commission

Virginia Employment Commission

弗吉尼亚就业委员会(VEC)通常被视为一个帮助失业工人的机构, however, the VEC also provides many services to employers. VEC协助雇主了解就业法律法规, 提供发放招聘启事的方法,并通过奖励措施提供就业援助. For information, please call (757) 558-4455.

Virginia Housing and Community Development Corporation

Virginia Housing and Community Development Corporation

弗吉尼亚住房和社区发展公司(VHCDC)是一家501(c)(3)免税社区发展公司. VHCDC works to promote and support entrepreneurship, to advance entrepreneurship education and training, to promote entrepreneurship-friendly policies, 为处境不利的小企业提供资金和信贷,并促进小企业将新技术和服务商业化, 妇女和少数民族拥有的企业对改善该地区的经济福利有很大的希望.

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority

Virginia Small Business Financing Authority

弗吉尼亚州小企业融资管理局(VSBFA)是弗吉尼亚州联邦的经济发展和企业融资部门. VSBFA帮助银行向有还款能力的企业发放贷款, 但如果银行需要额外的抵押品支持,或者通过提供现金抵押品来获得更强大的二级还款来源, subordinate companion loans, guarantees, loan loss reserve and loan purchase participants. For more information, please call 804-371-8254.

Small Business Administration

U.S. Small Business Administration

The U.S. 小企业管理局(SBA)成立于1953年,是一个独立的联邦政府援助机构, counsel, assist, and protect the interests of small business concerns. 小企业管理局的网站是一个极好的资源,为潜在的,新的,或经验丰富的企业主. 由小企业管理局制作的年度资源指南以电子方式在线提供,涵盖小型企业所有权的各个方面. 欲了解更多信息,请致电(804)771-2400与当地SBA办公室联系.

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